I used those winnings to buy new cars (hello, 370Z) which were much more aggressive beasts. With this improved vehicle, I enjoyed diving back into earlier events and cruising to victory.
For example, by the end of the first cup (there are several cups, which include a series of challenges and events) I had earned enough coin to upgrade every facet of my little VW.

But plugging through early events a few times to bankroll upgrades made a real difference. At first, I was feeling good if I came in fifth. Might I suggest some new tires? In fact, much of Real Racing 2's excellence is in its ability to make every vehicle upgrade count. You just need to be a bit smoother about applying the brakes (I turned off brake assist right away to get the most out of corners) and pour some race winnings into improving the handling on your car. But that's not the fault of the controls. Now, you may get a little frustrated during your first few races due to a propensity to over-correct on turns that cause race-losing spinouts. Real Racing 2's tilt controls are spot-on. It's the stuff under the hood that really matters. By no means does this upset the applecart, but when so much of the package is pristine and gorgeous, blips like this stand out.

But when you're threading the needle on a hairpin, trying to maneuver between tough competitors, a momentary hiccup can sometimes spoil a sweet move. In straight stretches, that's no big deal. Play Real Racing 2 also throws more cars on the tracks, but this does cause the occasional framerate hit – even on an iPhone 4.