You can enter up to three author's names, and Gnooks will recommend another author you might like. It’s massively customizable- if you want to track how many people of color you’re reading, for example, just add the column and header, put a “1” in it every time the book is written by a person of color, and formulate the cell at the bottom of the column (or wherever) to calculate the sum total of the column.Īnd you better believe I’m making pie charts about the genres, formats, and sources of my books at the end of the year. Gnooks is probably the simplest of these sites to use. Columns J and K (“Pages to Date” and “Number of Books Finished”) are already formulated to give you totals. Open it, click “File- Make a Copy” and save it to your own Google Drive. This level of examination isn’t for everyone, but if it is for you, here’s the template to the spreadsheet. I don’t like reading only what I’m being sold. We all have our biases- whether we recognize or acknowledge them or not- and I don’t like the idea of floating along on a river of my preconceived notions about what literature or genre or voices I like or don’t like. I know some people think of this level of tracking as “making reading a competition” (A competition with whom? Cell 123B?), but I don’t like leaving any aspect of my life unexamined. I started the year reading almost entirely digitally, and have since evened out among formats, and increased my audiobook usage.
My reading list site install#
On your module page, look for the Reading Lists link. Sign in to Your Reading Lists Go to My Bookmarks Click Install Bookmark Button on the right hand of the screen Follow the instructions for your browser. I read almost exclusively authors from the USA and UK- something I’ll be addressing with more foresight in 2015. The Librarys online reading list service will help you find the books, journal articles and other. Without paying much attention, I will read almost no people of color (which is why I now pay attention). Things I’ve learned from using the spreadsheet: without paying much attention, I read evenly between men and women. Here’s what mine looks like- I’ve split it in two images so you can see the column headers. And now I am passing it to you (with Jenn’s permission).
My reading list site update#
Jenn invented it, and passed it to Rebecca. Where can I find my reading list Hi, I did try the beta a couple of months ago and since the new Windows update is imminent, I did give the Stable release a try. I need MEAT, so our Director of Content Rebecca introduced me to her reading spreadsheet. That’s nice and all (and I still use Goodreads to catalogue the books I own), but none of those stats are useful to me. Their stats section can also tell you how many books your read from each of your created shelves, how many pages you read, and what years the books you read were published. I started tracking my reading on accident: I signed up for a Goodreads account years ago, and it automatically keeps a tally of how many books you read each year. While some folks around here track their reading with giant, single-spaced, hundreds-of-pages-long Word docs, and others use good old-fashioned book journals, I’m Team Ultimate Reading Spreadsheet (With A Sprinkle of Goodreads).